Friday 3 September 2010


Ok, I forgot to post when I said I would. Again. But, to be fair, I've been pretty busy; school started again today, and I needed to organise everything.
I said I'd post my results, so here they are:
Maths: A*
Physics: A*
Chemistry: A*
Biology: A*
English language: A
History: A
Geography: A*
Spanish: A
German: A*
English literature: It's currently being re-marked.
FSMQ: (Equiv. to A-Level maths) A (highest mark)

So yeah, pretty happy with that (:

As I am lazy, I shall copy and paste how my first day back went from the School Thread on ACC:

Walked with Sadie to school and found out I'm in Mr. Jones' form. I wanted Frau Bower DDD:
Then had an assembly like, "It's wonderful to have you back. You're like homing pigeons, we let you free but you still came back.." etc. etc.

Then, went to form. Oh my God, Mr. Jones is the scariest man alive, I swear. Hannah came in talking, and he was just like, "OUT! OUT, NOW!"
Although, he's one of these people who you can't tell if they're joking or not, sooo..
He's also, like, ridiculously clever, and speaks fluent Latin (he used to give whole lessons in Latin, Christ knows if anyone actually understood him) O_e When he gave out the time-tables, he went to Milky, "Ah, McConnell, you're a clever one, aren't you? That makes two of us; you and I"
When he came around to me, he went, "Lara.. Lara, Lara, Lara... you're a clever cloggs too :D That's three!"

And then he gave a speech about how GCSEs are a doss compared to A-Levels, and how ridiculously hard we'll have to work. Inspiring ._.

There are a few new people in our year, one of whom I swear is about 20. I think he said he'd already done Sixth Form and had also worked for a year in Newcastle, so he's at least 19.

After form, we went to sign on for our subjects. Basically just meant we had to go to the Old Gym, where the HoDs were sitting at desks, and as long as you still wanted to do a subject, they put a tick next to your name and Bob's yer uncle.
At the science one, it really scared me. There was no queue, and three science teachers - Dr. Mulcahy, Dr. Millington, Dr. LeSurf - and they all went, "Ahh, Lara."
I was like O_e because none of them have taught me before..
Then Dr. Millington went, "Yes, yes, amazing results.." and Dr. Mulcahy chipped in, "Well done! Absolutely outstanding!" (apparently I got top in the year for all of the sciences.. according to them?) and beamed a semi-toothless smile at me.
I laughed nervously and walked off quickly.

Then, at the maths one, Merson was like "Ah, hellooooo :D" :L He then went, "If you wish to discuss Further Maths with me, meet me in my room in about half an hour."
I just went, "O.e sorry, could you please re-phrase that?" :L

But yeah. Went to discuss it with him, but took Andy along so I wasn't a loner. Sir kept on looking from me to Andy with a small smile.

I'm pretty pleased with my timetable, and I'll make another post about that soon. Maybe. If I feel like it :P