Tuesday 9 August 2011

The Riots.

Words can't really describe how sickened I feel at the riots going on around my country currently.

The trouble started when a man was shot last Thursday by the police. The story from that point isn't very clear. Regardless, it should never have lead to this.

The shooting happened in Tottenham, a London borough. On Saturday, a 'peaceful protest' was organised outside of the police station. Fair enough, you'd think - but it soon escalated into a riot.
The riots only really hit the news big-time last night, when the situation got even more out of control. Trouble spread to other parts of London, with businesses, shops and homes being ransacked in Clapham, Croydon, Peckham, Lewisham etc. - but it also spread to other cities. Overnight there was trouble in Liverpool, Nottingham, Birmingham and Bristol, with 'minor scuffles' in Manchester as well. There are currently rumours in various other cities, including Southampton.

I have no idea what the mentality of these people is. When people were looting shops, I was peeved off to say the least - but when they started setting businesses on fire and ransacking people's livelihoods, that got too much.
Yes, it may have started as the 'underclass youths' letting out their anger and frustration at unemployment and the like - but I have no sympathy for them. It is now nothing more than a lust for destruction and violence and is driven by greed. They are damaging their own communities to 'stick it to the man' - but what exactly will it achieve? Prove to the world that they can act like scumbags?

These people are all to ready to go on the streets and blame someone else. Blame the government for cutting back on spending. Blame them because you don't have a job or a proper education.

Shut the fuck up. Get your act together, get yourself a decent education and go and look for a job. You have nobody but yourself to blame.

Apart from maybe your parents, who have let you get so out of control with no respect for anyone or anything.

In more cheerful news.. here's a picture of a flower that I took today.

Monday 8 August 2011

My Year in Snapshots.

So, I thought I'd post a few images of my year to make up for the shitty overview I just gave you. (:

Berlin, February


Dom (Cathedral)

Beer, because the drinking age is 16 in Germany

USA, April

On Times Square

Capitol building

Oslo, June

Royal Palace


Opera House

Hopefully, I soon shall have some more images - from my birthday, Cornwall and Edinburgh. I am also looking at going away to Milan, Amsterdam or Stockholm for a few days in October; big up the carbon footprint!

(Almost) A Whole Year

Blimey. So, it seems that my neglect of this blog has reached an all-time high. An entire 11 months of forgetfulness?
Yeah, sounds like me.

I shan't even try and go over the year in any detail, but I shall skim over it a bit.

School has been fairly uneventful. Very fun, as many of my friends are now 17 and can drive, and there's been more pressure on exams, but it's been good. All of my teachers have been lovely, and they feel more like friends than teachers. As weird as that may sound.
I am currently awaiting the results of my AS Level exams.
The entirely non-nerdy subjects I take are:

In my January AS exams, I got As in biology, chemistry and maths - I didn't do any exams in politics then.

I have also been travelling a fair bit this year, too. I've discovered that I absolutely love just getting on planes and visiting new cities. I've been on a day trip to Berlin and Oslo, and also went to the USA for a week. I'm such a nerd, I love taking photos of the architecture. I know, sad xP

This summer is also busy for me. The first week of the holidays was spent at Papworth Hospital doing work experience, as I want to become a doctor. It was absolutely amazing, and I learnt so much - as well as having my desire to do medicine totally confirmed.
Since then, I've been to a few parties and generally enjoyed myself. This Thursday (11th) is my 17th birthday, so I cannot wait to finally be able to drive my car.
Then, on the 15th, I'm off to Cornwall with a few friends to camp for the week, and on the 21st I'm off to Edinburgh for the Fringe Festival.

All in all, I'm currently at an exciting place in my life. I am loving the new-found independence I'm getting, and the prospect of applying to university both terrifies and excites me.