Tuesday 9 August 2011

The Riots.

Words can't really describe how sickened I feel at the riots going on around my country currently.

The trouble started when a man was shot last Thursday by the police. The story from that point isn't very clear. Regardless, it should never have lead to this.

The shooting happened in Tottenham, a London borough. On Saturday, a 'peaceful protest' was organised outside of the police station. Fair enough, you'd think - but it soon escalated into a riot.
The riots only really hit the news big-time last night, when the situation got even more out of control. Trouble spread to other parts of London, with businesses, shops and homes being ransacked in Clapham, Croydon, Peckham, Lewisham etc. - but it also spread to other cities. Overnight there was trouble in Liverpool, Nottingham, Birmingham and Bristol, with 'minor scuffles' in Manchester as well. There are currently rumours in various other cities, including Southampton.

I have no idea what the mentality of these people is. When people were looting shops, I was peeved off to say the least - but when they started setting businesses on fire and ransacking people's livelihoods, that got too much.
Yes, it may have started as the 'underclass youths' letting out their anger and frustration at unemployment and the like - but I have no sympathy for them. It is now nothing more than a lust for destruction and violence and is driven by greed. They are damaging their own communities to 'stick it to the man' - but what exactly will it achieve? Prove to the world that they can act like scumbags?

These people are all to ready to go on the streets and blame someone else. Blame the government for cutting back on spending. Blame them because you don't have a job or a proper education.

Shut the fuck up. Get your act together, get yourself a decent education and go and look for a job. You have nobody but yourself to blame.

Apart from maybe your parents, who have let you get so out of control with no respect for anyone or anything.

In more cheerful news.. here's a picture of a flower that I took today.

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