Friday 13 August 2010

Sweet 16.

Ah, yes. As the title gives away, it was my 16th birthday recently - on Wednesday, the 11th August.
I am one of the youngest in my year, so as school progressed, I saw most of my friends have their 16th birthdays way before mine - one of my friends in my year turned 16 less than a month after I turned 15!
So, I awaited my birthday eagerly - and what a day it was.

I'd gone through many plans when deciding what to do for my birthday. Originally, I was going to get a load of people together for a camp-out, with a BBQ etc. Then, we realised that, actually, that is illegal and the police would be highly likely to find us, so we decided not to do that.

In the end, it was my dad who came up with the idea. My parents hired out a 17-seater mini-bus for the day, so my mum, dad & I plus 14 of my friends went to the coast for the day.
Once we got there, my parents scarpered and left us to our own devices.

I had an absolute whale of a time (I love that expression, aha). We took loads of frisbees, a cricket set, a few footballs etc. to play with on the beach, and we all also took our swimming stuff. I don't usually like the sea, but I got thrown in there by my boyfriend and actually loved it, despite the fact it was freezing cold - I do live in England, after all.

After many eventful games of cricket, extreme frisbee and football, we headed off to the arcade machines. My friend Jordan was desperate to get a toy Buzz Lightyear from the grabby machine thing, and spent ages whittling his money away in vain :L He had to stop in the end because the 'bouncer' - a weedy, scruffy-looking man with a thick Yorkshire accent - was convinced he'd seen him "thumping the machine".
We were all like "Er, whaaaat? O_e"

So we took the piss out of the bouncer bloke for a while, and went back to the beach.

By the time we'd eaten at Pizza Hut and gone back to the beach, it was getting late-ish, so the beach was getting empty. Some people wandered off to go to the place with the larger rides, but I decided not too, as I felt a bit ill.

As it got darker and my friends all came back, we did the cake and let off a few Chinese lanterns. The cake was delish, although I accidentally dropped it in the sand, so half of it went to waste :L
The Chinese lantern bit was amazing, although we set off an alarm because the coast guard somehow thought it was a distress signal, and came to save us..

The night ended in a literal bang, as there were fireworks on the pier at 10pm, which, if I do say so myself, was a rather nice way to end the evening.

Well, I say end the evening, but it wasn't quite - we all piled back into the mini-van, and my dad took us all home to mine for a 'sleepover' - but, of course, none of us slept.
All in all, it was the best birthday in a long time. I spent it with my amazing friends & boyfriend, and had the best day.

What did make me laugh as I looked back at the photos taken of the day is that my friend Sadie seems to have been spying on Andy and I. I've seen a few photos taken from a distance which I had no idea were taken :L

Although I do have one which I like - this one:

I love him :')

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