Tuesday 10 August 2010

Back from Holiday!

I am finally back from holiday. At long last.
Don't get me wrong. I like holidays. However, I do not like France. Where did we go? France.
I also don't like beaches, the sea, weather which is too hot, or waterparks. As my siblings are aged 12 and 8, they both love beaches, the sea and waterparks, so guess what we spent the majority of the holiday doing..

Before departing for holiday, I was already apprehensive. Two weeks away from my friends and boyfriend is pretty unbearable for me, especially when I have to spend that two weeks in a country I detest, doing activities I hate, with my family.

Perhaps for this reason, I packed the week before going away with seeing friends etc. For example, on the Monday, my friend James and I rode our bikes to a disused quarry, where we hope to do a photoshoot. On Tuesday, I played badminton with Kirstie and Sadie, and on Wednesday, I went with a load of friends to see Toy Story 3 (amazing film).
Thursday, I spent packing my suitcase and went to football training, whilst on Friday I met up with Andy. I had an amazing day, as I usually do when I'm with him. Bless his little cooking skills, he almost set the kitchen on fire. And his mum had put her car keys in the oven, for whatever reason.

Now, I know it sounds sad, but I really, really missed him when I was away. We usually text each other each evening, from about 7pm to 2am in the morning, and when we meet up, we spend the whole day together. So I found it really difficult to go without contact for two weeks :L
I'm such a sad act.

To avoid this from becoming too much of an essay, I shall post what I got up to on holiday, in the next blog post. See you in five minutes..

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