Sunday 18 July 2010

Broken Promises.

I'm a failure ;~;

You know that promise I made to myself; the going running one?
I've broken it already. Instead of getting up early to go for a run, I instead had a lie-in. Rather more enjoyable, although not exactly physically exerting.

Ah, well.

That was on Saturday morning. Also on Saturday morning, my whole family bundled into the car, and we went to visit our puppy again.
We cannot pick our puppy up yet, as we are going on holiday. So, the breeders agreed that we could pay him a little visit so we don't go into withdrawal..

I took my perv camera along, and I took a few photos. I apologise if this doesn't work, but I shall show you my particular favourite:

Assuming that has worked, isn't he adorable? He's eight weeks old at the moment, and we've named him Chester.
Can't wait to pick him up <3

After we got home from seeing Chester, I got ready to go out. My friend, Jess, had invited me to a party, and I'm never one to refuse a good ol' shin-dig.
She had advertised this thing as a "Garden party! With BBQ, drinking games and loads of fun!"
Perhaps understandably, I thought it was going to be a good'un.


I arrived, and everyone was sitting in her dining room, in a circle. It was almost silent, a few people were texting, but that was it.
To be fair, it did perk up after 9pm, but only because that was when she got the alcohol out. Before then, I'd endured 3 hours of utter boredom.
Now, I don't need alcohol to have a good time, but the other people at this party were the introverted, quiet type. I'm the opposite. I could tell that I scared a few of them.
At around 10, people started leaving. I stayed, and it got better then; the quiets were the people who left first, so by the time they'd all left, I was just with people I could get along with without scaring.
We played some Mario Kart Wii. My driving was atrocious, but I'm blaming the fact that:
1) I'd never played it before.
2) I was steering with one hand.
3) I'd had a bit too much JD and coke. Or whatever was in that concoction I was given.
I headed off at around 11.30. If I hadn't, I'd have been the only person left..

Today has been good, too. My mum, dad and I went to a retail park to pick up a dog cage (sounds cruel, it's just to house-train the puppy) and some dog toys, but I ended up getting some new football boots, a load of vest-tops and a David and Goliath t-shirt.
Not a bad haul considering I have no money.. xD
Tonight, we're off out to a restaurant, which should be nice. My brother and sister are with my grandparents at Alton Towers, so it's just my parents and I.

Peace and quiet. Lovely.

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