Thursday 15 July 2010

Thank goodness.

Football training is cancelled tonight.
Thank. God.
Don't get me wrong, I love football (soccer, not American). It's just that I am so unbelievably unfit right now; I practically live off crisps and Red Bull, and have done no physical exercise whatsoever since May.
Not to mention, the weather has been bloody awful.

It always happens here - we go through a period of hot and sunny weather. Just as we're getting used to it, the thunderstorms come. I did learn about this in geography, but I've forgotten why. I've been well taught.
So, yesterday brought with it the first of them. I had friends over and we were having a film day. Suddenly, out of nowhere, we saw some lightning and heard thunder, and the storm was upon us.
My cat, bless her, was hidden underneath the desk in the study. She doesn't like loud noises.

My friends all had to leave in the middle of the thunderstorm, so my mum gave them lifts. It would've taken a cruel person to allow them to walk home in that :L

Soon after they left, the rain basically stopped. Typical.
I was glad of it, though - as it was Wednesday, I had my St. John Ambulance meeting. James came to knock for me, and on the way walking to ol' John, we went to One Stop and bought some Monster.
Yummy <3

We then fancied a stroll in the wooded area, but both got petrified after we saw someone else, so we ran for it xD
We then arrived at St. John rather flustered, and got odd looks off the other people there; we couldn't say we'd been running because we were running late, because we were 10 minutes early.

The meeting passed without much excitement. We learnt how to fill out PRFs (Patient Report Forms - they have to be filled out each time you treat someone, even if it's just putting a plaster on). We then did scenarios, and I had to pretend to treat a 53-year-old diabetic who had a burst varicose vein.
Considering I've done no first aid training (yet), I don't think I did too badly. :B

Today, nothing exciting has happened, except for the second wave of the storm, and the cancellation of football training.
I think I may take up running to get fitter. I'll start on Saturday, and I'll go out at 5.30am-ish, so it'll be light, but no-one will be about to see me.

Watch this space.

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