Sunday 4 July 2010

Better Than Expected.

I apologise in advance if this blog is riddled with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, for I am concentrating on two things at once - writing this, and clenching my stomach, for I am in rather a lot of pain.
Why the pain?
I have a feeling it is down to my 'summer diet'. No, not a diet plan - but when I'm on my summer holidays, my diet seems to consist of three things:
- Crisps. Mainly Doritos.
- Energy drinks.
- Alcohol.

I fear that, after seven weeks of this diet, my body is beginning to reject it.

Ah, well.

Anyway. My weekend was better than expected. I had banked on spending Saturday lazily cooped up inside, but my best friend rang to say that her parents were away for the weekend; did I want to go over?
Of course, I did, so I packed my things and went to hers. We didn't do anything particularly exciting - mainly sunbathing and watching films - but it was better than nothing.
We also cracked open the cider, although I fear I may have drunk mine too quickly - when we went to One Stop to buy Doritos, I was feeling rather light-headed, and I almost skipped in front of a car.
We then watched some rubbish 2am telly and listened to some music.
I eventually got to sleep, but not for long - it was far too hot - and when I woke up, at around 5am, there was the most absurd advert on; one for spray-on hair.
It looked quite exciting. I'm quite tempted to buy a can, so I can give myself a beard.
Won't my boyfriend be chuffed?

I got picked up from her house later on in the morning, and got ready to go out again,for I was meeting Lou, James, Nicole and Sadie at Subway. I didn't buy anything, but at least I was out of the house.
We then toddled to my house to pick up some Smirnoff Ices, and my paedophile camera. James took a shine to it, and when we all toddled to the park, he was obsessed with taking photos of us jumping off the benches.
There's an amazing one which I took of James landing after jumping off this bench :L
However, although it was nice out, and fairly sunny, it also got chilly pretty quickly, as it was rather windy; that's when I came home.

When I got home, I found out that my parents had been to the pet shop, to buy things for our puppy. We haven't got him yet, but because we're picking him up the day after our holiday, we need to buy everything before we go away.
Our puppy is a boxer, and we've named him 'Chester'. We used to have a boxer dog named Dottie, but she unfortunately died suddenly last October. Now, though, it seems the right time to get another.

Going off on a bit of a tangent, my friend's cousin's also getting a boxer dog, and they want to give it a 'stereotypically German name', and they asked me if I could think of any.
Now, I know it's bad, but when someone says to me, "Think of a German name!" my first thoughts go something like:
"ADOLF! No, no, sorry.. Rommel? Not that either? Why not? OK then, how about Roehm? Goebbels?"
I decided not to put my suggestions forward.
In the end, I think they've decided on 'Boris'. Is that a German name? I don't know... what I do find funny is, they're getting another dog, a terrier-type, and calling it either Dave or John.
If it's Dave, it'll be like Boris and Dave (Tory party anyone?).
If it's John, it'll be Boris Johnson.
Not to mention that both Dave and John are hilarious names for dogs.

I laughed more than I should have.

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