Tuesday 6 July 2010

Another Good Day.

My summer is, so far, turning out a lot better than I had originally expected; I'd envisioned spending days on end, cooped up inside my house, bored out of my mind whilst everyone else is having fun.
Thus far, it has been most enjoyable.

Yesterday, I met up with my boyfriend, and we went to the cinema to see 'Get Him to The Greek' - the film with Russell Brand in it. I cried of laughter when that American bloke imitated Brand's accent, and my boyfriend whispered in my ear, "You sound more like Russell Brand than I'd realised.."
This got me worried - I don't particularly want to sound like a man - until I realised he meant the accent.
I think I need elocution lessons.

I cannot actually remember that much of the film, but I did fall in love with the bit about the Jeffrey - the spliff with a thousand different kind of drugs in it - and the furry wall.
"When life slips you a Jeffrey, stroke the furry wall.. (8)"

The journey back from the cinema took a lot longer than it should have - 25 minutes on the train should have been the entire journey. However, there were delays, so the first train going home was at 9.47; we had come out of the cinema just before 9. I was extremely tempted to just hop on the train to Newcastle, for whatever reason, but I decided against it.
Still, we waited - we had no alternative - as it gradually got colder; although, being the female, I was lucky, as I could steal his coat (:<
I also hid behind him as a train driver who looked scarily like Stalin stared at me as a train pulled into the station.

When the train finally came, we had an uneventful train journey back, which made me wonder what delays there were. Apparently, there were maintenance works going on, but if that was the case, we must have just run over the maintenance workers.

Once we got back, it was just gone 10, and we still had the walk from the train station to my house (he, being the gentleman he is, walked me all the way home). He was starving, so we went to get food from the Garage. On the way to aforementioned Garage, we acquired a cat. I'm not quite sure whose cat it was, but it certainly took a shine to us, and followed us all the way to the Garage; it even came in with us!
The person working on the till was like, "Erm, excuse me, but could you please remove your cat?"
We loved this cat's loyalty, and christened him 'Bernard', even though we weren't entirely sure of the gender. But he was cute, fluffy and ginger, and just looked like a Bernard.

Also in the Garage, I got drawn to a rather magnificent children's magazine. Not for the content - I'm far too mature for that - but because it came with a free 'barnyard play set'.
Oh yes.
Hello, Daisy the cow, Rufus the dog and Hilda the pig.

Unfortunately, Bernard didn't follow me all the way home - although part of me is glad, for my own cat would never speak to me again had she found out I'd been seeing another cat - and the journey back from the Garage to my house was pretty uneventful, and I got home at around 11.30, even though it should really have taken only 20 minutes to walk back from the train station.

As for today, I've done nothing except for convince my parents to buy me an iPhone 4 for my birthday <3>
I've also teased my brother about his 'illness' - apparently, he's far too 'weak' to go to school, yet can prance around the front room playing tennis on Wii Fit.
Hm. He must be feeling awful.

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