Tuesday 13 July 2010


So much for my 'let's post every day!' promise.. ;P
I have been meaning to post, actually, but I have been quite pre-occupied, for reasons I shall detail in this post.
Well, on Monday and Tuesday of last week, I didn't get up to much at all; I just lazed around. I think, I can't actually quite remember.
Wednesday perked up a bit, with my first St. John Ambulance meeting. For those of you who haven't a clue what St. John Ambulance is, it's a volunteer organisation which trains people to administer first aid.
I popped along to the meeting with my friend, James, and we were thrown in at the deep end in our first ever session - CPR.
A man there, who is a nurse by profession, first gave us a presentation on the heart. My GCSE biology came in handy as I could already read an ECG, could tell you where the SAN and AVN are, can rattle off a list of heart conditions etc. which seemed to impress the bloke.
We then got on to the practical side. We got shown how to check airways, open airways, do chest compressions, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation etc.
I was pleased with myself; the chest compressions, you're supposed to aim for doing 30 of them in 18 seconds. I got it spot-on 18 seconds, but James went too fast and did 30 in 12 seconds. He was told that if he did that, he could very well kill the casualty.. :L

Skipping forwards now on to Thursday; although I left school two months ago, due to exams, the rest of the school - Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 - were doing their Sports Day. Last year, I was trained as a Sports Leader, and was asked to go in to help with the running of Sports Day.
Now, given that they had asked specifically for trained Sports Leaders, I had assumed that I would be needed for important jobs - surely anyone could do it otherwise?
Sadie and I spent the whole day measuring how far small children could throw the discus and shotput, almost getting decapitated around 10 times in the process.
Still, I suppose at least I got a tan..

Friday passed without much going on, except babysitting. The child that I babysit is unbelievably cute, and I get £10/hour for looking after her, so I thoroughly enjoy the job. We watched Spongebob for a while, and then I put her to bed. I only actually looked after her for about an hour, because as soon as she's in bed, she goes to sleep.

Saturday is when I actually got out of the house to see friends again. I live relatively near a reservoir, which is good for riding your bike around. As the weather was forecasted to be nice, Louisa, Nicole and I decided we'd ride there, ride around and then ride back.
What. A. Mistake.
Firstly, the route we took - the only route not on a major road like the A1 - was ridiculously difficult. It was seven miles to the reservoir, and although that doesn't sound like much, we had to travel across the countryside - that means, uneven ground, hills, no civilisation for miles around.
Secondly, we mis-judged the weather. Yes, it was nice.. if you are the sort of person who enjoys 32-degree heat. Being English and thoroughly unused to this sort of weather, we suffered.
Thirdly, we ran out of water two miles into the journey.
Fourthly, we got lost.
Fifthly (if that's a word), none of us are into regular exercise at the moment, and suffered greatly.
Lastly, sitting on a saddle for hours on end, hurts.
Still, though, we completed the 22 miles (7 there, 8 around, 7 back), even if not graciously.

When I arrived back at home, I was greeted by my parents who had been to Milton Keynes earlier that day. They'd bought me my birthday present - an iPhone 4 - early, and I spent the rest of the night ecstatic.

Sunday, Andy (my boyfriend) came over. We played a bit of pool, listened to some music etc.
Then the children came over.
I have a little sister. She's friends with a girl called Heather. I babysit Heather's sister, Rebecca.
Heather (8 years old) and Rebecca (4) came over to my house. Instead of doing what they usually do - joining my sister in watching a film - they seemed to take a shine to Andy. By means of showing how much they liked him, they decided to 'playfully attack' him. This means, they whacked him with snooker cues, threw unripe apples at him and sprayed him with the garden hose until he was drenched.
Bless him, he put up with it all whilst I tried in vain to make them stop.

Still, though, I now have some rather hilarious videos on my new phone to show people..

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